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Our Charities

Charities: Cooley's Anemia, Alzheimer's Association, Coaches Vs Cancer

The brothers and sisters of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania work tirelessly on behalf of several charities to organize fundraisers that have helped to make significant advances for patients and their families. To name a few:

The Cooley's Anemia Foundation (CAF) raises money to help people affected by the fatal genetic blood disease Thalassemia, which is also called Cooley's Anemia. This disease is often found in people of Mediterranean descent.

The CAF's mission is to advance treatment, enhance the quality of life of patients, and educate the medical profession, trait carriers and the public about the disease.

Since Thalassemia is not a single disorder but a group of related disorders that affect the human body in similar ways, it is important to understand the differences between the various types of Thalassemia.

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Sons & Daughters of Italy

Thalassemia Intermedia- In this condition, the lack of beta protein in the hemoglobin is great enough to cause a moderately severe anemia and significant health problems, including bone deformities and enlargement of the spleen. However, there is a wide range in the clinical severity of this condition, and the borderline between Thalassemia Intermedia and the most severe form, Thalassemia Major, can be confusing.

The deciding factor seems to be the amount of blood transfusions required by the patient. The more dependent the patient is on blood transfusions, the more likely he or she is to be classified as Thalassemia Major. Generally speaking, patients with Thalassemia Intermedia need blood transfusions to improve their quality of life, but not in order to survive.

Thalassemia Major or Cooley's Anemia- This is the most severe form of beta Thalassemia in which the complete lack of beta protein in the hemoglobin causes a life-threatening anemia that requires regular blood transfusions and extensive ongoing medical care.

These extensive, lifelong blood transfusions lead to iron-overload which must be treated with chelation therapy to prevent early death from organ failure.

The fundamental goal of a cure for Thalassemia is to help the body produce healthy hemoglobin that can carry enough oxygen for the patient to survive indefinitely without red blood cell transfusions.

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Sons & Daughters of Italy

The Alzheimer's Association is the largest national voluntary health organization committed to finding a cure for Alzheimer's disease and helping those affected directly and indirectly by the disease.

The Coaches vs. Cancer program bonds the American Cancer Society and the National Association of Basketball Coaches in the effort to fight cancer.

The project utilizes the personal experiences, community leadership, and professional excellence of basketball coaches nationwide to increase cancer awareness and hold fundraising activities, advocacy programs, and patient service programs.

The Coaches vs. Cancer program in Philadelphia is unique in that every Division I men’s basketball team in the city works together on the Coaches vs. Cancer program—something that can not be found in any other city.

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Sons & Daughters of Italy

Philadelphia Coaches vs. Cancer consists of coaches Fran Dunphy of Temple University; Phil Martelli, of Saint Joseph’s University; Jay Wright from Villanova University; Bruiser Flint of Drexel University; John Giannini of La Salle University; and Glen Miller from the University of Pennsylvania.

The Coaches vs. Cancer program has raised more than $30 million since it's inception to benefit the American Cancer Society.

The Commission for Social Justice ( CSJ ) is the anti-defamation arm of our organization
  • The CSJ was founded in 1979 to fight the stereotyping of Italian Americans by the entertainment, advertising and news industries. It also collaborates with other groups to ensure that people of all races, religions and cultures are treated with dignity and respect.
  • The CSJ monitors the entertainment, advertising and news industries, contacts offending parties by letter and/or telephone and alerts other Italian American organizations, e-mail networks and concerned individuals to the problem so that they too can take action.
  • Through its Positive Image Program, the CSJ regularly informs the media and general public about Italian American achievements, contributions, history and culture.
  • As part of its Positive Image Program, the CSJ conducts research, produces studies, teaching tools, pamphlets, exhibits and other materials on the achievements and contributions of Italian Americans.
Sample inventory of CSJ positive image materials

Book marks, posters, pamphlets and brochures on Italian Americans in many fields

The CSJ conducts campaigns at both the community and the national level that support cultural and social issues of importance to Italian Americans. (Legislation, commemorative stamps, Columbus Day/Heritage Month, etc.)

To achieve its objectives, the CSJ engages in community and government relations as well as in grassroots campaigns and fund-raising efforts.

However, given its non-profit status, the CSJ cannot offer legal advice or assistance in lawsuits.

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Sons & Daughters of Italy
The CSJ mission statement
  • Campaign to combat defamation
  • CSJ Works towards Federal Legislation
  • CSJ Positive Image Program
  • The Italian American’s Pursuit of Justice
  • The CSJ Timeline


"We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it themselves"
Galileo Galile

These two scholarship programs are very active!
Please read below for details


The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Sons and Daughters of Italy, awards scholarships to eighth grade students through our Dante Commission on Education/Culture.

Please download information and your application by clicking HERE

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Sons & Daughters of Italy
College Scholarship Program Eligibility Requirements

The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Sons and Daughters of Italy, also awards college scholarships to high school seniors through our

Dante Commission on Education/Culture.

Please download information and your application by clicking HERE

This section is currently being updated.

In the meantime, please contact The Grand Lodge Office at (215) 592-1713

or by email at: [email protected]

for information, requirements and the needed forms.

Thank you!

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